Luke 17:12-19

He said to him, “Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.” Luke 17:19

The men with leprosy mentioned in today’s reading were social outcasts. Few sicknesses were feared more than leprosy. In New Testament times, it was incurable and a sentence of sure death. Therefore, when the men saw Jesus, they knew He was their only chance of survival.

Perhaps you are facing something that feels as though it will be the end of you. Thoughts of hopelessness fill your mind and leave you wondering if there is a cure for what you are facing. Jesus has the power to heal you. He will touch your life and relieve the stress and sorrow of your disease. These men called out to him: “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” (Luke 17:13).

Warren Wiersbe commented on this scene:

They knew that Jesus was totally in command of even disease and death, and they trusted Him to help them… He commanded the men to go show themselves to the priest, which in itself was an act of faith, for they had not yet been cured. When they turned to obey, they were completely healed, for their obedience was evidence of their faith.

We would expect all ten to return to the Savior shouting words of praise and thanksgiving to God, but only one returned; he was not a Jew but a Samaritan. God may choose to heal you now or later as you stand one day in His presence. If it is now, remember to thank Him for the goodness and mercy He has shown you.

Lord, You are my Healer. You have broken the power of sin and shame in my life.

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